Get organized (bee) with Half Year BEE-6 THBS Planner! Includes monthly, weekly, and daily planning sections on high-quality Tomoe River Paper. Keep track of your busy schedule in a unique and fun way. (Bee-lieve us, you'll love it.)
Welcome to TheHoneyBShop where stationery is sweeter than honey!
BEE-6 Half Year Planner Details:
- Blush Pink soft-bound cover with holographic embossing.
- 52 GSM Tomoe River Paper
- Size: 5" x 7" - bounded like a Stalogy.
- 5MM Soft Grey Grid
- Half Year Planner
- (6) Undated Monthly Pages
- (26) Weeks of Undated Weekly + Daily Pages
- (15) Grid Note Pages in the back of planner.
- Weekly Vertical (1.5 columns) with Dailies following each week + additional note page.
- Dailies include a 1.5 inch column for all your perfect stickering needs!
We are a Ready To Ship shop, meaning we have everything printed and cut ready to be shipped to you! We do NOT offer customization on this product. If you leave a note in the Note to Seller for changes, changes will not be filled.
If you have any further questions, please contact me at
All orders are filled with love & honey.